It's cold, ugly and raining today....supposed to continue on into tonight. I'm glad it's not snow but is everybody else as tired of being cold as I am? I know, I know, the winter's been snow free and I've been able to get out of the house, but man! am I ever tired of being cold...the cold just makes me ache all over.....brrrrr!
Got to start on the backpack for my step-gdaughter, but still trying to work out the how to's on putting a drawstring back pack the straps and stuff...
I've still not put stitch one into the K monogram, although I think I'm finished with the design. the K by itself seemed kind of lost so i put a circle frame around it. i think it finishes it off a little bit instead of just leaving it levitating all by it's lonesome. is it balanced within the circle?
I'm now in the process of picking what type of threads i want to use. Do i use DMC or do i go to silks? do i go with bright and bold colors or more subdued? what stitches do i use? do i fill in the area around the K or leave it bare? do i fill in the arms of the K or just outline them and only use satin stitching for the shaded areas? do i add a bit of bling by using beads or crystals insteal of french knots? do i use just a tad bit of real gold metal thread? if i add gold i'll need to fill in the arms of the k to give some contrast to the gold.....what to do? I'm trying out various flosses and stitches on a piece of the same fabric so until i have these questions answered i don't really know when I'll start stitching on this.
i want all these details fixed in my mind before I print the design out and put it on the fabric. I've only got one sheet of the Sticky Fabri-solvy to play with at this time and don't want to waste it on something I'll change my mind
I'm also thinking about making some drapes for my family room window.....boy does all this thinking make my brain hurt.
i like reading your blogs more!